Posts In: Gubba Group

Covid supply chain challenges

January 22, 2021 Gubba Group

It goes without saying, what the coronavirus and the pandemic has done to the entire world, without sparing any sector of the world economy. The...

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Preparing the Pharma Sector for a post COVID world

January 5, 2021 Gubba Group

Catering to over 50 per cent of global demand for various vaccines, the Indian pharma industry is touted to hold an important position in the...

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How are the cold chain companies in India gearing up for COVID immunization?

November 3, 2020 Gubba Group

From planning to convert food processing refrigerated units into vaccine storage facilities to ramping up the vehicles to transport them, private cold chain and distribution...

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CAROTAR rules 2020: How is it going to impact the importers

November 3, 2020 Gubba Group

Preferential Trade Agreements are a widely practiced norm in international trade policy in recent times; India too, has its share of PTAs. For example, in...

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Can Pharma and Telehealth Partnerships change the game?

September 26, 2020 Gubba Group

Pharma marketing is an area where one-on-one interactions reigned before the pandemic. But, as the coronavirus outbreak severely curtailed physical interactions, almost overnight, it became...

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Data collection could help India tackle its food inflation problem

September 24, 2020 Gubba Group

The recent spike in Indian inflation is a reminder of how food prices are notoriously volatile. From weather and cultivation patterns to consumer tastes and...

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The new guidelines for smarter food: FDA’s Blueprint for Food Safety

September 4, 2020 Gubba Group

In July, FDA published its long-discussed Blueprint for the Future: New Era of Smarter Food Safety. The blueprint focused on four core elements — Tech-Enabled...

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How consumer demand for fresh food during the pandemic is transforming Cold Storage practices

September 4, 2020 Gubba Group

With the recent COVID outbreak, consumer food habits are changing—and it is having a direct impact on food supply cold chains and cold storage facilities....

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Impact of COVID-19 on Indian Frozen Food Market

July 27, 2020 Gubba Group

India is pushing for increasing shipments of frozen foods as it seeks to capitalize on a surge in demand and a trust deficit China is...

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