June 27, 2019 Gubba Seed In E News

Developing Non-Basmati scented rice : A non-basmati scented rice mutant has been developed through radiation breeding by the R&D of Sun Crop Sciences Pvt.Ltd by exposing pure seeds of a long duration, tall,(lodging type),super fine, non-aromatic variety “Jai Sreeram” to 10 kR Gamma rays at IARI, New Delhi during 2016.

A number of extra early, short statured, non-lodging mutants have been identified. One of the extra early,(105 days),short statured, fine grained mutant with excellent aroma(scented) while cooking was identified.

Seed has been multiplied and large scale demonstrations have been conducted on farmers fields. Grain yields ranged from 35-40 bags (bag=70 kg) /acre. Number of minikits have been given in UP, Bihar, Karnataka, AP and Telangana during this kharif (2019) season.
“Kala Namak” was reported long back as a Non-Basmati scented rice in UP. However, its existence is questionable. The reported scented rice (3 S) has not been named as yet. It is hoped to fulfill the requirement of Non-Basmati scented rice of the people of our country,( extra early, non lodging and fine grain) and provides lot of export opportunities.

Director9Sin Crop Sciences PVT. LTd
[email protected]

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