Lupin’s Ankleshwar Facility bags award

January 8, 2020 Gubba Pharma In E News

Lupin won the gold award at the 9th Annual Conference on Quality Management, organised by the American Society for Quality (ASQ) at a recently held event in Ahmedabad. The nomination case study submitted for this award summarised the transformation project to improve the yield and quality of Lupin’s Cefadroxil products.
Speaking on the occasion, Rajendra B Chunodkar, President — Manufacturing Operations, Lupin said, “It is a moment of pride. This is the fourth consecutive year that Lupin’s Ankleshwar facility has won the Gold Award from the American Society for Quality. As a leading pharma company, we have constantly focussed our efforts towards enabling manufacturing excellence at all our manufacturing sites. This award highlights and validates our approach toward quality and continuous improvement.”
While, this year Lupin’s nomination highlighted the key outcomes of its ‘Cefadroxil Yield and Quality Improvement’ project, in the past three years, Lupin won the award for projects that focussed on Ethambutol Yield Improvement (2018), 7AE Yield Improvement (2017) and 7ACCA Yield Improvement (2016).

Source : expresspharma

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