Karnataka Agri Professionals Association (KAPA) Hyderabad proudly celebrated “DASHAMANOTSAVA”, to mark its 10 years journey on 15th September 2019 at Mrugavani resorts, Hyderabad amidst the beauty of nature.
A jam packed full day programme started with lighting the lamp by KAPA dignitaries and Kannada Naadageete . The official marking of the day’s activity took a quick start with President, Dr. Sadanand A R and Founder President Dr Vilas Tonapi’s messages of greetings to KAPA. The ten glorious years of KAPA’s journey was beautifully presented by General Secretary, Mr.Narayan Bhat, followed by its core group members, Mr.Ravindra H, Dr Kini V, Dr.Venkatesh Kulkarni and Dr.Srinath Dixit ( ICRISAT) sharing their experiences about their association with KAPA and its contribution in networking, sharing day to day technical discussion in what’s app, organizing technical sessions, in house talent recognition, taking up social and personal issues etc
The event witnessed motivational speech by the guest for the event, Mr. Amarnath Rao on “make people happy wherever you go” and gave insight on how to be happy always in spite of all odds.
“Nage Habba” by the chief guest, Comedy queen, Mrs.Sudha Baraguru, who enthralled the audience with her standup comedy and her team’s mimicry and magic.
The Talent Recognition of the KAPA members and their families is an integral part of Snehakoota and on this occasion 8 kids were presented the mementos for their outstanding achievements in academics and co-curricular activities. . KAPA makes it a point to remember and felicitate the superannuation of its members and on Dashamanotsava, it felicitated Dr.Vidyachandra, who rendered a great service to agriculture
KAPA paid respect and observed condolences for the sad demise of Dr. V Shennoy and Mr.S.M. Patil in the beginning. The cultural programme by KAPA families towards the end was like icing on the cake and comprised of songs and dances.
As old waves make way for new current, new KAPA executive committee was announced. The torch bearer, President of the new committee is Mr. Ramesh Kalaghatgi (IFS), Vice President Dr.N.G.Ramachandra ( Bayer Crop Science) Vice President Mr.Narayan Bhat ; Secretary Mr. Shashikant Kulkarni (Advanta Seeds) ; Joint Secretary Mr. Santosh B M ( Advanta Seeds), Treasurer Mr.Sheshagiri Kasul ( Syngenta) Joint Treasurer Mr. M.S.Deshpande and the executive core group members Mr.Mutalik Desai S G and Mr.Jagadish Hallad.
The valediction was given by the KAPA new president Mr.Ramesh Kalaghatgi , who congratulated and wished KAPA to grow many folds and sought the cooperation of all in achieving the same.
The event was compered by Mr Manoj Mahuli-(Rice Tech Director Sales) Ms Sujatha Deshpande (Teacher Educator) and Mr Shashikant Kulkarni- Ms Jayashree Bindumadhav duos. Overall, Dashamanotsava, SK-10 was very fruitful and successful event and cheered the moods of the audience.