Goa Dairy to launch fortified milk

The Goa Dairy has decided to introduce fortified milk carrying micronutrients like vitamin A and vitamin D with a helping hand from the National Dairy Development Board. The Goa Dairy will be the first milk brand in the state to provide fortified milk to its consumers.
Speaking to ‘The Navhind Times’, managing director of the Goa Dairy Navso Sawant said that new milk product will enhance quality of the milk supplied by the dairy. Fortification is a process by which manufacturers add micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals to food products. The dairy will use the same method and will add vitamin A and D to its milk.
“The new fortified milk is part of the national-level programme introduced by the National Dairy Development Board, which has granted permission to the Goa Dairy to come out with fortified milk product, Sawant explained.The NDDB will guide the Goa Dairy in coming out with the fortified milk, which will be produced by following the standard operating procedures developed by the NDDB and the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India.
A NDDB team will visit the dairy next week to guide its workers on the milk fortification process. It will also help dairy in bringing about the product. The team will assist the dairy in development of SOPs for milk fortification and testing, quality control, trials, training and capacity building. Asked about the price of the fortified milk, Sawant said the NDDB is providing financial assistance to the dairy. Hence the Goa Dairy board has not thought of hiking the price.
Source: Navhind Times