Gadvasu dairy science alumni form association

July 24, 2019 Gubba Frozen In E News

The graduate students of College of Dairy Science & Technology, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University (Gadvasu), Ludhiana, formed an alumni association. Gursharn Singh, informed that the college was established in 2008, and the first batch graduated in 2012. Thereafter, seven batches of B.Tech (Dairy Technology) have passed out of the college. There was a common desire among the alumni to form an association. In this regard, a get-together of the first three batches was arranged. The college faculty was also invited for the rendezvous. Former dean SPS Sangha graced the occasion, along with founder faculty members of the college. The alumni association was formed unanimously by all the present members. An advisory committee of the alumni association was also formed.
Assistant professor Venus Bansal informed that 10 members were included in the constituted committee. Gadvasu assistant professor Gursharn Singh was nominated as president, while Akashdeep Singh, a research scholar in Massey University of New Zealand was made vice-president. Assistant professor Venus Bansal became the secretary, while Punjab dairy development officer Nirvair Singh became the joint secretary, and assistant manager of Milkfed Punjab Manpreet Singh is the treasurer. Five other executive members were also nominated.
The college faculty congratulated the executive committee and said it was a historic moment for the college. Alumni members decided to work for the uplift of the state’s dairy sector. The current challenges of the dairy sector like poor quality milk, adulteration, lack of technology, and mechanization will be addressed by the technocrats through their respective establishments. Value addition of products, and promotion of indigenous products will be the priority areas to work for this new body in the future.

Source : tribuneindia

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