Posts In: Gubba Group

Frozen Foods Are The New Hot

July 8, 2021 Gubba Group

To start off with stating a fact – The Earth may be facing global warming, but we’re in a new ice age – at least...

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Why Pharma Companies are Pushing up Demand for Cold Storages

July 2, 2021 Gubba Group

India is also known as the ‘pharmacy of the world’ and accounts for more than one-tenth of the generics supplied all over the globe. The...

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The second wave of corona and the food industry

April 27, 2021 Gubba Group

March 23rd, 2020, curfew was announced, and little did we know the curfew would turn into a lockdown and last for so many months. Our...

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Why is Automation Necessary for Cold Storages?

April 20, 2021 Gubba Group

Humans have been in every sphere of life, whether it is energy generation or setting up constructions. The human effort remains significant with a lesser...

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How can AI improve Agriculture in 2021

March 7, 2021 Gubba Group

AI, machine learning (ML) and the IoT sensors that provide real-time data for algorithms increase agricultural efficiencies, improve crop yields and reduce food production costs....

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Biological Seed Priming and its Uses

March 7, 2021 Gubba Group

What is Seed Priming? Providing industry-leading innovative seed technology, Germains Seed Technology uses the latest biological tools and techniques, which provide value added solutions to...

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How digitization can be catalyst for transforming covid vaccination

February 23, 2021 Gubba Group

Like two sides of every coin, is the pandemic with its own merit and demerit side. The unprecedented amount of destruction caused and followed by...

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How can the Pharma Industry progress in 2021?

February 5, 2021 Gubba Group

The most important aspect that has changed about the pharma industry is that it has become more patient-centric. There are many reasons for this change....

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The Role of Software Solutions in Agricultural Supply Chain

February 1, 2021 Gubba Group

The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has put a whole new light on commodity management, especially agriculture supply chains. Food is essential for survival, so ensuring...

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